3 research outputs found


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    Buildings are the largest consumer of energy demand and the largest emitter of greenhouse gases. More than the 50% of the residential buildings in Europe were built before 1970; the renovation and upgrading of the existing buildings is a priority in the EU energy policies and in all the EU member states. Increasing focus on energy conservation necessitates the adoption of innovative materials. Government regulations and support for zero energy buildings provide an impetus to the adoption of innovative materials (Directive 2010/31/EU) AMANAC is a collaboration and coordination platform across all the Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology EU funded projects functioning in the frame of the Energy Efficiency in Buildings public Private Partnership (EeB-PPP), whose activities address development of advanced materials, components and systems for the improvement of the energy efficiency in the built environment. AMANAC is the cluster of 29 projects, representing 255 project partners, out of which 63% are Large Enterprises or SMEs. AMANAC aims to maximize the impact of the AMANAC projects towards the European Industry and Society. More information about AMANAC can be found at http://amanac.eu/ The adoption of innovative materials in building envelopes offers a great potential for future design and construction. This is why the Journal of Facade Design and Engineering dedicates this special issue to this topic. JFDE is a firm partner for the distribution of scientific knowledge of the ICAE2015 International Congress on Architectural Envelopes (www.icae2015.com/en), organised by Tecnalia in San Sebastian, Spain. The papers presented in this current issue originate from five AMANAC research projects that researched new advanced materials and systems for energy efficient buildings. The works have been selected among the AMANAC project research results, initially presented in a special Session at the ICAE2015. The extended papers have been subjected to the regular double, blind review process of the journal

    Proyecto FACOMP. Nanocomposites para perfiles estructurales en muros cortina.

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    Octubre de 2010 es la fecha prevista para la finalización del proyecto FACOMP, un estudio llevado a cabo por empresas y centros tecnológicos europeos y financiado por el VII Programa Marco de la Comisión Europea. Este equipo de trabajo se ha fijado como objetivo el desarrollo de materiales estructurales más ligeros y con mejores prestaciones térmicas y de durabilidad a partir del uso de nanocomposites poliméricos

    The International Congress on Architectural Envelopes | Special issue -2018

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    Special edition in collaboration with the International Congress on Architectural Envelopes (www.icae2018.eu), which is organise devery 3 years in San Sebastian (Basque Country, Spain). The eleven articles found in this issue were carefully selected from 50 abstracts that will be presented during the scientific section of the congress. The final selected papers were subjected to the regular double-blind review process of the journal. With this selection of papers, we want to give an overview of the traditional technologies that are normally discussed in the context of façades, while also making some mention of new technologies, which, some time ago, existed only in the realm of the laboratory but which have begun to appear in real buildings and construction in recent years. In fact, the main topic of the conference this year is the Envelope 4.0, and consequently the aim of the magazine. Under this title, the aim is to unify two elements: the architectural envelope, due to it being the main reason for holding the conference, and the term “Industry 4.0” as a representation of the need to improve the manufacturing, assembly, distribution, and installation processes of many of the products included in today’s envelopes in order to be competitive in the market